Xylitol nasal spray: An effective tool in COVID-19 prevention

Posted by Keven P. Arnold, DDS, PC 2023-03-23

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Of all the things we do to protect staff and patients in dentistry, there’s one inexpensive process that can reduce the viral load of the aerosols generated in our day-to-day practice. Anyone can also use this information about xylitol to protect themselves against SARS-CoV-2 and other diseases.

In dentistry, we’ve come to know xylitol as a caries inhibitor. We’ve asked our patients to use a xylitol-containing gum multiple times a day to reduce early biofilm colonizers. We almost never think of the nasopharynx or oropharynx as a seeding or staging area for oral problems. But the upper respiratory tract is a breeding ground for pathogens such as SARS-CoV2.

Studies have also shown that the reduction of the SARS-CoV2 virus in the nose and sinus is due to the xylitol contained in some nasal sprays.

As a bonus, your patients may find that they can breathe through the nose easier and their nose isn’t as dry. There are plenty of reasons to start using xylitol.
There are very few reasons to not use xylitol. Call us to learn more.


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    5. Yin SY, Kim HJ, Kim HJ. Protective effect of dietary xylitol on influenza A virus infection. PLoS One. zo l 4i9(1):e8 4633. Published zol 4 Jan 2. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.oo8 4633

Wish to learn more? Contact Keven P. Arnold Dentistry for exceptional dental services by calling (630) 443-4545 or visiting our office at 2020 Dean Street, Suite C, St. Charles, IL 60174. Your journey to optimal dental health starts here!

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