Sleep Apnea

Posted by Keven Arnold 2025-02-24

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Recent research finds that the condition can lead to changes associated with Alzheimer's disease when left untreated. Sleep apnea is more common among overweight people and those suffering from hypertension.

Sleep apnea doesn't just disrupt your sleep; it may also change brain structures essential for memory, potentially increasing the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Researchers looked at participants' brain scans between 2008 and 2012 and then 10 years later. They found that those with the most severe sleep apnea and poor oxygenation during sleep had a larger hippocampus and more white matter lesions. Both changes are linked to elevated risk of poorer cognition and Alzheimer's disease.

The hippocampus is critical for storing and forming memories. White matter makes up 50% of the brain and lesions in it often signal damaged blood vessels.

The lack of inconsistent airflow during sleep apnea can lead to such brain damage due to insufficient oxygen.

Chronic low oxygen levels and disrupted sleep patterns in sleep apnea likely cause inflammation, swelling and vascular damage. This places stress on the brain and potentially leads to neuroinflammation that increases Alzheimer's risk.

Severe sleep apnea is defined as 30 or more breathing interruptions per hour during sleep while fewer than five interruptions per hour is considered normal.

The hippocampus and nearby brain regions are particularly vulnerable to low oxygen levels. They depend heavily on small blood vessels susceptible to damage during periods of reduced oxygenation during sleep.

This heightened sensitivity makes these areas prone to the effects of Alzheimer's disease as they require a continuous supply of energy and are closely linked to other brain regions. Previous research has noted changes in the hippocampus due to sleep apnea.

Early diagnosis and treatment are critical to mitigate these effects and protect brain health. Around 80-90% of those with sleep apnea don't know they have it. While loud snoring can often be an indicator, not everyone with sleep apnea snores and not all snorers have it.

The most common treatment for sleep apnea is the use of breathing devices, such as a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. These devices deliver a steady stream of air to keep airway open during sleep.

Additionally, doctors may recommend oral devices like mouthpieces which keep the airways open during sleep. In some cases, surgical interventions may be used to improve airway function.

Lifestyle modifications such as weight loss, quitting smoking and avoiding sedatives or alcohol, can also enhance sleep quality and potentially reduce the severity of sleep apnea.

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